GSA DHS St. Elizabeth's Campus West Addition Rendering
Washington, DC


GSA R11 National Cost Management Toolbox (NCMT) Subject Matter Expert Support

January 25 | 

In 2023, AFG was awarded a BPA contract to provide Subject Matter Expert (SME) support for the National Cost Management

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Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Logistics Construction Support Contract (LCSC)

March 31 | 

AFG is supporting the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Logistics Construction Support Contract (LCSC) Direct Housing Mission, as a subcontractor

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Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium Great Hall Restoration

March 21 | 

AFG is providing Construction Management as Advisor (CMa) services for the restoration of the historic Andrew W. Mellon Auditorium Great

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Brien McMahon Federal Building and US Courthouse Fire Alarm Project

May 25 | 

In the spring of 2021, AFG group was awarded a contract to provide Construction Management services at the Brien McMahon

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USDA Rural Development Office Build Out

March 1 | 

AFG is providing Construction and Project Management services for the US Department of Agriculture Rural Development Office in St. Louis,

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GSA James M. Hanley Federal Building and Courthouse Projects

December 8 | 

The James M. Hanley Federal Building, originally completed in 1977, is located in downtown Syracuse, New York and occupies a

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NPS Castle Clinton National Monument Restoration, Manhattan, NY

October 20 | 

AFG was awarded the National Park Service contract to provide construction management and inspection services to the restoration of the

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Strawbridge Building, Exterior

GSA HHS Philadelphia Regional Office, Strawbridge Building Consolidation

July 6 | 

In 2016, the GSA began plans to move the Region 3 Health and Human Services offices to a new lease

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1234 Market Street, Exterior

GSA Region 3 National Park Service Regional Headquarters at 1234 Market Street

July 6 | 

The National Park Service (NPS) office at 1234 Market Street in Philadelphia, PA is the headquarters for the NPS Northeast

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Photo: General Services Administration

GSA DHS Raymond Land Port of Entry Rehabilitation

June 1 | 

AFG is provided CM services on the Raymond Land Port of Entry which is an active entryway station in Montana,

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GSA EPA Conference Center, Clinton Federal Building

May 11 | 

The William Jefferson Clinton Federal Building is a complex of historic buildings located at Federal Triangle in Washington, DC. The

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GSA USDA Food & Nutrition Services Renovation, Alexandria, VA

March 17 | 

In 2018, the GSA awarded AFG Group, Inc. a contract to provide support and services to the Lease Project Management

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National Institute of Standards & Technology Building 245 Radiation Physics Modernization

January 28 | 

Building 245 has housed the NIST Radiation Physics Department since its original construction was completed in 1964. It was the

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GSA Robert Nix Federal Building and U.S. Courthouse Re-Design

January 28 | 

During this alternations project, the GSA is designing and performing renovations of 42k square feet of space on the first

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GSA Kenneth B Keating Federal Building and Courthouse Security Projects

January 28 | 

Within these two contracts, AFG will be providing CQM services for security upgrades within the Kenneth B. Keating Federal Building.

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U.S. Department of Education, Renovation and Consolidation Project

January 28 | 

Under this contract, AFG will be providing PM/CM and Design Management Services for the Department of Education within the Lyndon

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GSA Headquarters 1800 F Street Collocation Project

January 28 | 

Under this contract AFG provides Construction and Move Management services for the renovation of spaces throughout the 1800 F Street

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Washington Headquarters Services Program Support

January 27 | 

Under the WHS Program Support Contract, AFG is providing construction management and technical support services as a subcontractor to keep

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GSA Leasing Services Support, Ft. Worth, TX

January 27 | 

AFG is providing ongoing Cost Estimator Services for the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) and the Leasing Services Support Branch

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GSA Department of State Diplomatic Courier CM Services, Miami International Airport

January 27 | 

Under the contract with the General Services Administration (GSA) for the Department of State’s Diplomatic Courier, AFG is overseeing the

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