Navigating the Future of Healthcare Real Estate: Trends & Insights

Navigating the Future of Healthcare Real Estate: Trends & Insights

May 24 |  Marcos Miranda

According to a report by JLL, healthcare real estate was the second-fastest-growing commercial real estate sector in 2020, with a

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Home Office Ergonomics: Tips for Working “Correctly”, Part II

September 2 |  Ann Dimiero

Home Office Ergonomics: Tips for Working “Correctly”, Part II Office Ergonomics is the science of fitting the task to the

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Home Office Ergonomics: Tips for Working “Correctly”, Part I

August 19 |  Ann Dimiero

Home Office Ergonomics: Tips for Working “Correctly”, Part I As much of the country has shifted to a Work-From-Home standard

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Planning Ahead: Federal Workspace Adaptations Amid COVID-19 Concerns

June 29 |  Ann Dimiero

For the last decade, the federal government and many companies have been working to reduce their footprint by implementing open

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Essentialism: How Essentialism Helps Construction Managers Streamline Project Planning

April 1 |  Joe Earhart

Owners face a myriad of complex challenges when rolling-out and implementing a construction project. Construction management professions all have the same 24 hours in the day to solve the client’s problems and executing on the top priority is critical to delivering projects successfully.

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Coordinating Historic Requirements with Modern Performance: A Case Study of the West Addition Building on the St. Elizabeths Campus in Washington, DC

February 5 |  Kai Goodrich

Construction projects that must meet historic or landmark status requirements present unique challenges, which only increase when blending modern performance expectations that respect the area’s historic look. Such was the case for the Building 54 West Addition on the St. Elizabeths Campus in Washington, DC.

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Navigating Security Challenges in Historic Courthouse Renovations with Creative Solutions

October 7 |  Andrew Shipman Louise Brodnitz

Courthouse renovations and modernizations in aging and historic buildings are relatively common as courts push to take advantage of state or federal funding to improve security. As a result, courthouse renovation contractors often tackle security in two specific areas: circulation and hardening.

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How to Protect Construction Crews from the Impacts of Radiation

September 17 |  Dawn Walters

Truthfully, there’s no escaping radiation risk. Radioactive elements are everywhere: in the atmosphere, water, food, soil and living organisms; it’s something we all deal with on a daily basis. Proactive radiation safety should prevent that exposure. In fact, having a culture of radiation safety, awareness and training can save lives.

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Top 3 Challenges that Historical Courthouse Renovations Can’t Afford to Ignore

August 26 |  Andrew Shipman

Historic courthouse renovation projects are incredibly complex, additionally, the unique security concerns and sensitive deadlines that must be met. While appropriate construction management and attention to timeline is always important, these projects demand extra attention in three specific areas.

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