GSA DHS St. Elizabeth's Campus West Addition Rendering
Washington, DC


Strawbridge Building, Exterior

GSA HHS Philadelphia Regional Office, Strawbridge Building Consolidation

July 6 | 

In 2016, the GSA began plans to move the Region 3 Health and Human Services offices to a new lease

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GSA Headquarters 1800 F Street Collocation Project

January 28 | 

Under this contract AFG provides Construction and Move Management services for the renovation of spaces throughout the 1800 F Street

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GSA Department of State Diplomatic Courier CM Services, Miami International Airport

January 27 | 

Under the contract with the General Services Administration (GSA) for the Department of State’s Diplomatic Courier, AFG is overseeing the

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GSA Ronald Reagan Building – USAID Phase 3 & 4 Mobility Design Lab Renovations

January 27 | 

AFG is provided construction management and move management services to the GSA in order to complete significant space alterations to

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GSA JJ Pickle Federal Building Exterior Restoration and HVAC Upgrades

January 27 | 

The 11-story J.J. Pickle Federal Building is part of a master facility that includes a large plaza. The 275,000 GSF

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