November 17, 2020
AFG Continues Work at NIH Bethesda Campus with Multiple New Contracts
AFG is pleased to continue our work within the Health & Science industry as healthcare client needs are rapidly evolving.

In our 25 years of support to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other major institutions, AFG has successfully provided project and construction management for projects valued from $25K to $750M.
While some projects are experiencing delays due to pandemic related shifts, AFG continues to win new contracts at NIH. Over the past two months, AFG has been awarded eight new contracts to provide support services for the NIH campus in Bethesda, MD and other locations. AFG will be providing Construction Quality Management services for multiple simultaneous projects on campus, including:
- NIH Building 50 Precision Health Research Renovation: AFG will be providing CQM and Design services for renovations required to install the offices for the new National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) Precision Health Research Program (PHRP)
- NIH Building 13 Ground Floor Utilities Upgrade Project: AFG is providing Project Management, CQM, Cost Estimation, and Project Engineering support for the upgrades of utilities within Building 13 in order to support multiple simultaneous ongoing renovation projects within the building.
- NIH Building 11 Groundwater Intrusion Study: This two-phase project includes Historical site research and field exploration regarding groundwater levels at the Building 11 Central Utilities Plant (CUP). AFG will be utilizing our management, design, and engineering expertise to assist in this study.
- NIH Building 50 Tunnel and Wash Rack Facility Survey: Under this project, AFG is supporting the Office of Research Facilities (ORF) as they maintain safe and healthy facilities on NIH Campus by assessing the current site conditions of the utilities within Building 50. AFG will perform duties under this survey to determine requirements for future renovation work within the building related to Architectural, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Fire protection systems in order to best meet Safety Standards, Design Policy, Building Codes, and Federal Regulations.
- NIH Building 50, 3rd Floor NHLBI Dr. Jennifer Lee Lab Renovation CQM Support: AFG has been contracted to provide CQM support to inspect and test the performance of the HVAC system serving the newly renovated Dr. Jennifer Lee Laboratory due to concerns of fluctuations in humidity and temperature provided by a newly installed mechanical system.
- NIH Building 21 HVAC System Upgrades: AFG will be providing support in the evaluation of existing HVAC and supporting systems within NIH Building 21, originally constructed in 1950. Our team’s analysis and recommendations will determine the process for upgrading related HVAC, building automation, fire protection, and electrical systems.
- NIH Building 101 Vibration Analysis: Under the NIH CQM BPA, AFG’s team will be providing special studies and analysis to investigate ambient vibrations in Building 101.
- NIH Data Center Reliability CQM: AFG is providing CQM services for the construction of a new cooling and electrical utility support for the Data Center adjacent to the National Library of Medicine (Building 38a). This project will include a pump room, utility yard for the HVAC condenser units, a utility tunnel into the Data Center, and replacing CRAC units within the data center.
About AFG Group, Inc.
AFG Group, Inc. is a woman-owned firm focused on multi-disciplined program, construction, and relocation management, with a national portfolio of work in healthcare, laboratories, courthouses, educational facilities, and government buildings. With 30 years of business acumen, AFG has earned a reputation for providing strong expertise, responsiveness, and project execution that helps owners navigate through complex design, procurement, construction, and activation processes.